Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Peppermint, my best frenemy.

I've been looking for things that help Connor with his migraines.  He gets them often.  They come on fast and their is just no consoling him.  They SUCK.  All I want to do is switch places with him.  But since I can't, I do what I can... figure out a way to help.  The best thing I have found so far is the scent of peppermint (lavendar helps too, but peppermint is the shit for Connor).   I read that peppermint was a good natural cure for migraines.   I went to Bath & Bodyworks and told the girl that worked there that I needed something peppermint asap.   She was puzzled, so I explained.  That woman spent 40 minutes pulling out everything with even a hint of peppermint.   We decided on the CO Bigelow Mentha lotion.  It is STRONG.   Sure enough Connor had a headache later that day.  A wicked one.   All he could do was scream and hit himself in the head.   I turned off the lights and got that strong, stanky lotion out and began to massage his hands.   I concentrated on the space between his thumb and pointer finger mostly.  A few minutes later, he wasn't crying anymore...soon after that he was ready for something to drink and then to be back to playing.  Not perfect, but better than the alternative.  The smell is kind of overpowering, it makes your eyes water and if you forget to wash your hands immediately and accidentally put them near your eyes or mouth you will regret it... but it works.   

Accupressure points for headaches


  1. That is some knowledge to tuck away. My baby who is two has not indicated severe headaches but I think he has them. He always complains his nose hurts. Diagnosed 8/31/12 and decompressed on 10/10/12. His symptoms were so severe that he had very scary episodes of respiratory distress. I also, knew all along that something was wrong. That he was just not "normal". His amazing pediatrician agreed but all the specialists said he was normal. W began going to mayo and finally! They agreed that something wasn't right. Fighting for two years and to hear the words chiari. I never want to know that feeling again. Still brings me to tears. I agree with the other comment. Everyone's journey is different and surgery isn't for everyone. We we told not decompressed means no contact sports. Decompressed no restrictions. Our son is all contact! Surgery did save his life. He had an arachnoid veil on his cerebellum cutting off flow and there was hardly any sf flow. The day after surgery he started to say two words together which he physically couldn't do. He is u stoppable and the biggest little hero in my world! Baby chiarians are angels. I have met a whole new family that knows the fear and pain we face every day. Each day is a gift and we keep going one day at a time.

  2. Rachael,

    I'm so glad to hear your son is doing well. So much of this is waiting to see what is going to happen next and how our children handle it. I'm hoping Connor will just keep pushing on through.


  3. Have you tried Peppermint Essential Oil? I am a user, not a rep, but I use the DoTerra essential oils for lots of medical issues and the peppermint is great for headaches.

    Just read your story and my heart goes out to you,
